Utilities Professional 1-1500
Utilities Professional 1-1500 (1994)(WPD)[!].iso
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106 lines
* Hi Folks@ Me again !
* Time for some more picture commands@ Remember how we used the command -
* - picture in - well it's ok if you want to keep loading in new pictures
* but what if we wanted to keep the same picture in the memory@ so that
* we could re-draw it at any time ?
* Well@ we would use the ' store in ' command. This would save the picture
* that is currently on the screen into the memory.
* But how do we get it back again ? - can't you guess ??? - ' store out '
* When P.&.C is first loaded a picture is already stored in memory@ let's
* get it back out. WHAT COMMAND WOULD YOU USE ???
* Hopefully you used ' store out '. You can always check it worked by
* selecting the PREV option.
* Another useful command is ' clear '@ which will clear the screen to black.
* Right !@ You now know how to Clear@ Load & Save a picture.
* Me'thinks it's time for a test !. Next Page Please.. Now@ Now Don't Cry..
* Ok@ your mission should you decide to accept it is to :-
* 1) - Load in a picture called TESTSCREEN in the file PICTURES
* 2) - Save the picture into the memory
* 3) - Clear the screen to black
* Go to it !@ Don't Forget the HELP option...
* Answers on a postcard to........ NO DON'T - Answers on Next Page@ No Cheats
* Hopefully you should have something like :-
* picture in pictures/testscreen
* store in
* clear
* Get it right !@ I hope so@ If not re-read everything from the begining
* delete all the commands ( CTRL & D )@ and try again.
* Execellent Dudes !@ if you reached this far there's hope for you yet.
* Lets try the wait commands@ These work in 2 different ways but for now
* we will be using the simple form.
* ' wait key ' - Waits for a keypress on the keyboard
* ' wait click ' - Waits for a mouse button to be pressed
* ' wait zone ' - Waits for a zone to be selected.
* I told you it's an easy langauge to learn.
* Next please .........
* ZONES :- What is a Zone ?@ Well@ A Zone is a certain part of the screen
* that you want remembered. Once defined you can use it to test if the
* Mouse Clicked upon it.
* Let's define a Zone. Type in ' Set Zone 1 '@ IT WORKS THE SAME WAY AS THE
* Although you cannot see it@ it's there !@ You can define up to 5 Zones
* each in a different position.
* You could now get the computer to wait until you click on a Zone by using
* the ' wait zone ' command. Zones are used in every program including
* Shoot'em'ups@ How else could you tell if your missle hit an alien ?.
* As I said before we're not trying to do that@ but we could use a zone
* around an object or some text to see if the mouse clicked on it.
* As a window@ as soon as you are finished with it you should close it.
* ' close zone NUMBER '@ will delete the specified zone where as -
* ' close all zones '@ will delete the zones between 1 - 5.
* Next....
* Time for another test...
* When you have finished reading this page@ QUIT so the Editor is
* all clean & new again. And Then enter in your program@ Remember to select
* TEST to run your program.
* Write me a program which :-
* 2) - Sets a Zone around the Mouse
* 3) - Waits for a Zone to be selected
* 4) - Clears the screen@ and writes a small message on the screen.
* Easy !@ Take your time@ Look back over your notes@ read the tutor again.
* Don't forget to use the HELP Option....
* For the solution and for the next lesson QUIT & LOAD in TUTOR3@
* But before which DO THE TEST !!!!.